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How to Install for LGS

CSGO 2in1 Macro Logitech

Step 1: Open from LGS

First off all we need to have LGS installed.
If not please click here to download.

1. Open Logitech Gaming Software Click Mouse icon and Right Click to your "Profile" doesn't matter which one. (See picture below)

2. After Right Clicking on your profile select "Scripting"

3. We have two ways to import our macro. First one is to go

Script -> Import..

The second way is to open the macro with a text editor and copy+paste to the window.

If there are codes before, please delete them and then paste the codes.

5. After save and quit the last step is to set the profile as default and as Persistent. That's it! Enjoy your new Macro.

Macro Activate and Deactivate Mouse button is 3.

If you want a different Macro Activate button , change the local activate number which you want to assign.

In the picture below we write the Mouse button numbers for you.

Mouse button 5.
Mouse button 4.
Mouse button 3. This is the default assign activate button.
Mouse button 7.
Mouse button 8.
Mouse button 9.

Default weapon assignment

These are the default weapon we assignment.

If CapsLock is ON - M4A4
If CapsLock is OFF - AK47

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