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How to Install for Arduino

Counter Strike Global Offensive

Step 1: Connect Arduino to your PC

1. Connect your Arduino Leonardo board to your computer via USB.

2. Download Arduino IDE program from
(Download Option: Windows Win 7 and newer)

3. Install Arduino IDE to your computer.

4. Open Arduino IDE and select "Arduino Leonardo" from Tools -> Board.

5. Open again Tools then "Serial Port" and choose the USB port.

6. Paste in Arduino Code/code.txt file to Arduino IDE.

7. Click upload button and wait.

8. Disable your anti virus and firewall programs.
9. Open CSMacro - CS:GO.exe after Arduino Connect step.
You can open it while Faceit AC is enabled. No worries.
10. Enter your E-Mail and your License Key which you will get after purchase

11. In the Arduino App Go to Tools -> Serial Board You will see your Port Number. Enter Your Port Number and Click Save
(Check above Step 5.)

12. Choose your In-Game Sensitivity. If you’re using Invert Mouse Mode Change it from OFF to ON.

13. Last step is to assign the weapons to our keyboard. The Stop Function is to close the Macro. Quit Function is to Close the app. Click Start and you’re Ready to Go.

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