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How to Install

A4 Tech x7 - Sharkoon

Step 1: Open your Mouse App

First off all we need to have our Mouse App installed.
For Example A4Tech is x7 Oscar editor.

1. Open your Mouse app and go to Macro Manager for the button you want to assign the weapon.
Your app may looks different but the logic is in all apps the same. Import/Open the macro to the mouse button you want to assign and upload it.

A4Tech x7 - Bloody - Sharkoon Mouse No Recoil Macro

2. Go to Macro and click open/import

A4Tech x7 - Bloody - Sharkoon Mouse No Recoil Macro

3. Choose the weapon you want to assign and click save.

4. Last Step is to upload the script to your mouse.

Like mention before your app may look different but the logic is the
same in all apps. You have to upload/open/import the file to your
app and assign it to your mouse button which you want to use.

One click to the assigned button will activate the script and while
your press with the left mouse button (Msb1) your mouse will move.
For close click the assigned mouse button again.

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